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Small Bowel Obstruction Surgery

Several disease processes can affect the small bowel (intestine). The most common being obstructions. Other small bowel diseases include tumors or masses, Adhesions ( from previous surgery), infections, abscesses, inflammatory bowel disease

Robotic bowel surgery involves cutting “Scar tissue” (Adhesions), removing the diseased part of the intestines, draining infections and reconnecting the intestines together.

What is the Small Bowel?

The small bowel (intestine) is part of the digestive system. We have approximately 450-600cm(14-19 ft.) of small intestines. Its function is to absorb most ingested food by producing a digestive juice that mixes with bile to complete the breakdown of proteins, carbs, and fats. It is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food into the bloodstream to be absorbed by the body. Having a proper function of the small intestine is essential for absorption of nutrients.

What happens if the small bowel does not function?

When the small bowel (intestine) does not function properly, many problems can occur. The small intestine can stop absorbing nutrients or it does not have enough water to carry out normal functions. The small intestine lacks enough energy to perform its functions. When the small intestine can’t work well or stops working it prevents the stomach’s ability to move food in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Symptoms of Small bowel Diseases

Most common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain/cramping
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Failure to have bowel movements
  • Failure to pass gas

Small bowel obstructions are a serious condition and can require emergency surgery.

Reasons for Small Bowel Surgery

A need for surgical resection (small bowel surgery) may happen for several reasons, including:

  • Bleeding, infection, or ulcers caused by inflammation of the small intestine from conditions such as Crohn’s disease
  • A blocked intestine caused by scar tissue or congenital (from birth) flaws
  • Small bowel ischemia (Bowel death due to lack of blood flow)
  • Strangulated intestinal hernia (internal hernia, volvulus)
  • Carcinoid tumor
  • Meckel diverticulum (a pouch on the wall of the lower part of the intestine that is present at birth)
  • Injuries to the small intestine such as a twist or tangling or perforation
  • Noncancerous (benign) tumors
  • Precancerous polyps
  • Fistulas

Some of these conditions are very serious and can require emergency surgery. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms and especially if you have had previous abdominal surgery.

Surgery usually involves removing the affected sections of the small bowel (intestine) and re-joining the healthy parts with the resected ends. The length of the small bowel (intestine), is part of the reason a surgical resection is generally without significant compromise to the gastrointestinal (GI) system function.

The ATX Robotic Advantage

The ATX Robotic system allows Dr. Burman to remove the diseased part of the small bowel (intestine) with fewer complications and damage to surrounding tissue. The robotic arms provide Dr. Burman with the ability to maneuver surgical instruments in tiny spaces. Through small incisions in the body Dr. Burman can perform a surgery that would otherwise only be available through open (long incision) surgery. Another advantage is that it reduces blood loss and assures patients a quicker healing and smaller scars compared to conventional operation.

Robotic Surgery: Is it right for me?

Robotic surgery is the growing primary choice for many kinds of operations, from hysterectomies and small bowel resections to heart surgery.

Is robotic surgery for you? The answer is yes! There are several reasons to consider robotic surgery:

It carries a lower risk than conventional surgical procedures and is carried out with more ease, which means fewer complications.

Start your treatment plan for small bowel resection

Contact your ATX Robotic surgeon to discuss your options. Dr. Burman will help you find out what type of surgery is best for you. He will also provide you with information about the procedure and how long it takes as well as recovery time so that you may “return to enjoying your life.”

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ATX Robotic Surgery serves the Austin and the Central Texas Area.

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